Friday, November 9, 2012

Gro-Aut (grow out) Hair Oil

This patented formula promotes hair growth by penetrating the hair shafts driving herbal nutrients into the hair follicles. Fill in bald patches, reverse hair loss, or simply grow the long hair you have always desired with Gro-Aut hair growth oil. With use of this herbal oil and our Gro-Aut shampoo, hair appears to 'grow out' overnight! You'll see noticeable results in as little as 7 days. For the best results, follow our hair care regime

Monday, March 5, 2012

Gro-aut Solutions Hair Growth Oil and Shedding

I'm experiencing increased shedding with your products, is shedding normal?  Unless are you allergic to one of the ingredients, the shedding is just the old hair making room for the new growth. There are three phases in the growth cycle, the anagen (growing phase), catagen ( intermediate phase), and the telogen (shedding phase). The anagen phase last the longest (1000 days or more) while the telogen phase only last 100 days. Because our products rapidly increase new hair growth, you will notice more shedding at first because an old telogen hair is pushed out to make room for the new anagen hair, but because the anagen phase is at least 900 days longer than the telogen phase, eventually, you will end up with longer thicker hair.

Shedding can also mean that you are not washing your hair enough. A clean scalp is very important in promoting hair growth. If your hair follicles are blocked from a build up of dirt then the hair can not push through resulting in breakage/shedding. Keeping a clean scalp by washing your hair a minimum of once a week can reduce shedding caused by blocked hair follicles.
If shedding occurs dilute the product. It is not often but sometimes it is too concentrated for some. Usually adding half of the amount of coconut oil to an equal amount of Gro-aut Oil will help.  Applying the oil too often without washing the hair enough may cause shedding. Many people appy the oil more than once in a day which does not help. The only thing this does is contribute to build up. The more often the oil is applied, the more often the hair needs to be washed.