Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello everyone,

Thank you for visiting my Gro-aut Solutions Blog.  I have been a user and a cheerleader since July 2011.  I use the product daily on my locs.  My locs 20 inches long.  I have kept a steady growth and my scalp is health and nourished because of Gro-aut.  I tell everyone I meet about the product to help them.  My goal is to let the world know about Gro-aut in anyway possible.  I love this company.  You may contact me at groautoil@yahoo.com.  I recommend you try the Gro-aut Solutions kit it is the top seller! VISIT MY SITE http://www.gro-aut.com/?rid=239.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Greetings, GRO-AUT SOLUTIONS making changes for the future.  Please read a message from the owner Lavonda Anderson.

 I would first like to thank all gro-aut customers for their continued support in allowing me to to continue to do what I love best....helping others.

This email is to provide information on what's new at Gro-aut Solutions.

1) We are in the process of switching webhost providers. This has been a decision that I have been trying to avoid for some time now but do to numerous issues with the checkout system, I have no other option but to seek another provider whom can offer the services needed. Transaction errors has been an ongoing issue with the current shopping cart and unfortunately, this issue is getting worse as our order volume increases and the host provider is unable to resolve the issue. So, very soon, Gro-aut Solutions will have a new webhost with a whole new look! I do apologize but all customers will have to register again at the new site prior to ordering and any past orders in the old system will not be available for viewing. I plan to submit the domain transfer soon and the actual switch could take as long as a few minutes to 48 hours. What you will see until the transfer takes place is "this store is closed for maintenance" and if it allows me to, I will put in the already active new web address (www.gro-aut.com) so that if someone wants to still shop, they can do so at our new home. When the switch takes place, you will still be able to enter the www.myfasthairgrowth.com or thewww.groaut.com and get to the new site as well so there will be no change in the web address, just a different host with a new look.

Also, reviews! We will have no reviews at the new store other than what I have had time to enter on the testimonials page which is next to nothing compared to the hundreds accumulated over time atmyfasthairgrowth.com and groaut.com so IF anyone has the time and is inspired to lend a helping hand, please by all means submit a review as this information could be meaningful in helping someone else decide on what they should purchase for their hair. Pics are also welcome and is worth more than a thousand words, please send any pics that you would like posted in our store tosupport@gro-aut.com.

2) BEFORE I go further, I would like to apologize if this email reaches any of my haters. YES, anyone whom has hated on me due to my not accepting rudeness at Gro-aut Solutions. I have no intent to reach you and did make all attempts to delete all of those that have been banned from Gro-aut Solutions due to unnecessary rudeness so if this email does reach you, please disregard as nothing has changed, I still do not have time for the ignorance and will continue to pray for those in need.

3) Gro-aut products is headed to the factory! The first product that is already in production is the #1 seller, Gro-aut oil. It is expected to be finished within the next 2 1/2 to 3  months. And there is more...Our bottles will have a new look. As time passes, you will notice that the look is changing little by little. This is because with my schedule, I will be working on it a little at a time in my spare time which is little to none. The first bottles to change of course is the gro-aut oil since this is the first product in factory production. After production is complete, our plan is to start marketing to stores. Any gro-aut customer marketing agents out there? I sure need one to set up a presentation/portfolio. I have hundreds of reviews stored to work with and any pics that anyone would like to send with a testimonial would be great right about now to assist with creating an outstanding presentation so that I can work on getting Gro-aut in a store near you!

4) Any orders in what I will now call the old websites will be processed per our normal shipping schedule, no change there and you will still receive a tracking notification. The only difference is you will no longer be able to see it in your order history.

5) International customers: I am not sure what the issue is with international shipping/receiving but there has been an ongoing issue with packages either being lost, stolen, or whatever the case may be with it occurring most frequently with shipments to the United Kingdom. Because of this, I took thousands and thousands of dollars in losses to issue refunds or replace packges. This is of course why the shipping rates at Gro-aut Solutions for international shipping increased like overnight. Now oddly enough, when I started requiring trackable shipping (reason the cost increased) the losses and claims of nonreceipt stopped completely which started to make me wonder, was all of those claims of nonreceipt fictional or nonfictional? Hummm.
Well with international customers constantly complaining about the high cost to ship, and the long transit time to receive their order after shipment, I have decided to partner with 'International Checkout', a company that specializes with international shipping. They offer lower rates and faster transit times. For more information, visit the international page at www.gro-aut.com or their direct site at www.internationalcheckout.com. And when checking out at our new store, simply add the desired items to your cart and then click the international checkout button on the checkout page to complete checkout.

6)Affiliates: Because it is a new store, you will have to register again to become an affiliate. Unfortunately, any earnings after December 31, 2012 will be lost as I can not transfer them over. Any payments due in January for earnings through December 31, 2012 will be paid. I am in the process of having the web developer work on the affiliate program and it is not yet ready so it will be inactive until the developer has finished setting it up. Unfortunately, the affiliate program at this webhost does not offer tier affiliate earnings, it only offers single meaning you do not earn from anyone that signed up under you. This feature is not available in their affiliate programming, I do apologize.

I know this is alot to take in all at once but believe me, this change is long time overdue and I do believe that this will be a case of "sometimes change is better".


Ok, I think I have covered everything or at least I think so. It is 1:30 am where I am now and I'm still up working so I think I will end this email here and work on submitting the server change before going to bed. If anyone has any questions, please by all means, do not hesitate to contact me. And speaking of contacting, the old email addresses will not be used after the switch. It is important to use the contact form on the webpage in order to reach me. I will however continue to check  the old emails for a week or two but after that, expect no responses from the old email addresses as they will no longer be used. Please remember to use the contact form on the website for support.

Good night everyone and God Bless,


Gro-aut Solutions LLC

Friday, November 9, 2012

Gro-Aut (grow out) Hair Oil

This patented formula promotes hair growth by penetrating the hair shafts driving herbal nutrients into the hair follicles. Fill in bald patches, reverse hair loss, or simply grow the long hair you have always desired with Gro-Aut hair growth oil. With use of this herbal oil and our Gro-Aut shampoo, hair appears to 'grow out' overnight! You'll see noticeable results in as little as 7 days. For the best results, follow our hair care regimehttp://www.myfasthairgrowth.com/?ref=94

Monday, March 5, 2012

Gro-aut Solutions Hair Growth Oil and Shedding

FROM OUR SITE http://www.myfasthairgrowth.com/?ref=94.
I'm experiencing increased shedding with your products, is shedding normal?  Unless are you allergic to one of the ingredients, the shedding is just the old hair making room for the new growth. There are three phases in the growth cycle, the anagen (growing phase), catagen ( intermediate phase), and the telogen (shedding phase). The anagen phase last the longest (1000 days or more) while the telogen phase only last 100 days. Because our products rapidly increase new hair growth, you will notice more shedding at first because an old telogen hair is pushed out to make room for the new anagen hair, but because the anagen phase is at least 900 days longer than the telogen phase, eventually, you will end up with longer thicker hair.

Shedding can also mean that you are not washing your hair enough. A clean scalp is very important in promoting hair growth. If your hair follicles are blocked from a build up of dirt then the hair can not push through resulting in breakage/shedding. Keeping a clean scalp by washing your hair a minimum of once a week can reduce shedding caused by blocked hair follicles.
If shedding occurs dilute the product. It is not often but sometimes it is too concentrated for some. Usually adding half of the amount of coconut oil to an equal amount of Gro-aut Oil will help.  Applying the oil too often without washing the hair enough may cause shedding. Many people appy the oil more than once in a day which does not help. The only thing this does is contribute to build up. The more often the oil is applied, the more often the hair needs to be washed.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gro-aut ladies, just wanted you to see Lavonda Anderson's our founders hair growth pictures. Lavond's hair growth pics are phenomenal. Ladies stay faithful to your hair regime.  Washing your hair once a week, using Gro-Aut Herbal Shampoo  and condition with Gro-Aut Herbal Conditioner.  Follow up with your Gro-Aut Hair Growth Oils.  Also, spread the good word that Gro-Aut carries a wonderful hair gloss. Remember to your protective hairstyles to keep your hair protected.  And last be not least where a satin bonnet at night to keep your hair moisturized.  Tell us your testimonials and be a blessing to someone else.

E. Kyle